

Tis the season so be - sciencey...

Perfect for 5-10 year olds, in the Cool Christmas Chemistry club your boffins will be busy making:

🎄Erupting Christmas trees
❄️ Test tube blizzards (TAKE HOME)
✨Colour changing star decorations (TAKE HOME)
☃️Slime-y snowmen (TAKE HOME)

£12.50 -plus sibling/friend discount

Places are limited.


LoveScience Huddersfield and Wakefield is run by Abbie. Abbie is the founder of LoveScience and has been living and breathing science education for over 20 years! 

🧪 Fave experiment:  Exploding canisters

😲 Worst Habit - Going off on tangents in the middle of conversations

🦸‍♀️Most wanted superpower - teleporting

🍨 Fave ice cream - cookie dough

Get in touch: give Abbie a call  on 07512561076

email  abbie@lovescience.co.uk or find her over on social media


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